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Brett understands yoga as a friend. They are drawn to therapeutic and philosophical components of practice. They limped into their first class seeking relief from an athletic injury and were amazed by the depth of healing yoga can offer.  As a teacher they are principally interested in supporting their students’ experience of embodiment. 


They primarily teach yin and hatha yoga. In both disciplines, they are listening for opportunities to bring ancient teachings to modern practitioners in practical, spiritually nourishing ways. Their students appreciate their compassion, patience, and inquisitiveness. 


They studied yin with Esalen-based teacher Rob Wilkes, and trained with the renowned yin teacher Bernie Clark.  They completed a 200hr teacher training with woke. founder Eka Ekong, and they continue to apprentice with their Master teacher, mahayogi Alison Smith.


Their prayer as a teacher is to create healing space: space to knit together, to settle, to tend our inner altars and soothe our bodies and the stories they tell. 


When not studying yoga, Brett can most often be found at the public library or on a mountain with their dog, a most esteemed Alaskan malamute named Pilot, or in their beloved dry cabin baking scones, dancing, or writing. 


Jai jai ma. 


May the Truth we are seeking protect us.

May the Truth nourish us. 
May our practice be brilliant and may we understand what we study.

May we agree with one another and not speak ill of one another.

Om peace peace peace to all the sources of karma. 


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